B.I.I.C. Bianchi S.p.A. is located in Concorezzo (MB), 15 km north-east of Milan, in northern Italy.


Main airports that are close to our location are:
Milan Malpensa (MXP) - 60 km / 50 minutes by car
Milan Linate (LIN) - 20 km / 20 minutes by car
Bergamo Orio al Serio (BGY) - 35 km / 30 minutes by car


The closest train station to our location is Villasnata, 3 km from us, where we can send a driver and arrange your transfer. As an alternative, since Villasnata is a small train station, a good solution is Monza railway station. It is 7 km, 15 minutes by car from our location. From Milan city center, subway is also possible. Take the red line until the last stop located in Sesto San Giovanni town, called "Sesto 1° Maggio FS", or take the green line until the last stop in Cologno Monzese town, called "Cologno Nord".
Villasanta - 3 km / 5 minutes by car
Monza Railway station - 7 km / 15 minutes by car
Sesto 1° Maggio FS - 12 km / 20 minutes by car
Cologno Nord - 11 km / 20 minutes by car

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